Radboudumc has released and interesting article (in Dutch) about the COVID Virtual Rehabilitation program called FitterVandaagVR, that they have developed in collaboration with SyncVR Medical, Reducept and NeuroReality. Clinicians have seen that many patients suffer from cognitive problems after a period on the intensive care unit, and that a COVID-19 infection can lead to damage in the brain. Therefore, NeuroReality has added cognitive training modules to the rehabilitation program, which further contains pain management and movement excercises.
Patients are going to start rehabiliting using state of the art, tetherless virtual reality devices, from the comfort of their own home. We are thrilled to be part of this collaboration, and to explore how virtual reality can be used as an innovative telehealth solution for COVID-19 rehabilitants. Want to hear more? Doctor and researcher Harry van Goor from RadboudUMC talked about the project on NPO Radio 1 yesterday. Skip to 18:11 to hear some inspiring words about the future of virtual reality in healthcare. Sign up to our mailing list, and we will keep you posted on any updates of the project!